Percipient NMS

AI-Driven Unified Network Management System

Echelon Edge’s Percipient NMS is a comprehensive network management system that caters to various intricate network management needs. This proactive solution facilitates swift network control and prevents disruptions. It empowers businesses to effectively monitor the well-being, performance, and accessibility of all interconnected devices. In addition to its wide range of features, Percipient NMS excels in fault detection, alarm triggering, performance retrieval, enhanced network topology visibility, and support for industry-standard protocols like SNMP, WMI, CLI, REST, and more.

Achieve real-time measurement of optimized performance for a particular database, considering both the software and hardware aspects of the database servers. Swiftly detect issues and explore strategies to enhance database monitoring performance.

Achieve real-time measurement of optimized database performance, considering both the software and hardware aspects of the database servers. Swiftly detect issues and explore strategies to enhance database monitoring performance.

Monitor the availability, well-being, and efficiency of cloud services and applications hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. Get end-to-end visibility into business-critical applications, regardless of whether they’re running on private, public, or hybrid cloud environments.

Ensure comprehensive monitoring of your IT infrastructure's systems, devices, traffic, and applications. Gain a comprehensive overview of all applications, including their status and workload. Utilize application performance software to effectively monitor all your firewalls and ensure optimal performance.

Enable log collection through Syslog to gather log data, syslog errors, and event logs. Get the real-time collection of raw logs and seamless logging into a database for devices such as network routers and switches.

Obtain crucial health and capacity insights for your storage devices. Visualize trends in storage performance and capacity, allowing you to make informed decisions. Streamline alerting by centralizing it, enabling faster troubleshooting of performance issues.

Efficiently monitor, maintain, and manage your entire network using our comprehensive all-in-one software. Stay informed about crucial aspects such as network bandwidth, availability, performance, and hardware.

Employ sophisticated vulnerability detection and analysis methods to identify potential vulnerabilities and proactively monitor security threats. Safeguard your organization from network intrusions and mitigate the impact of subsequent disasters. Benefit from automatic security alerts and reports, enabling swift responses to suspicious activities and facilitating prompt remedial actions.

Effortlessly unify, store, and perform contextual analysis on extensive volumes of infrastructure data, all while ensuring exceptional speed and cost-efficiency. unlock the full value of your infrastructure data by seamlessly connecting and analyzing it alongside other crucial datasets such as observability, security, and business data.

Monitor real-time bandwidth utilization for devices and interfaces. Implement Quality of Service (QoS) policies to block or restrict resource-intensive and unwanted applications from utilizing your network. Receive immediate notifications when traffic volume, speed, or utilization deviates from normal behavior.

Percipient NMS sets the benchmark in network management with its unmatched ability to monitor any IP device or service. Our plugin-based architecture seamlessly integrates with switches, routers, servers, firewalls, cameras, IoT sensors, databases, and dockers. Say goodbye to device compatibility issues and embrace limitless monitoring possibilities.

AI/ML Network Monitoring Platform

Network Efficiency and Reliability Improvement
Recovery Time and Network Management Cost Reduction
Efficient Workflow Without Any Downtime Even With Future Scalability
Management Process Optimization With Round-the-clock Monitoring

Streamline your IT operations with integrated AIOPS

Optimize AI-powered, Centralized, and Full-Stack Infrastructure Monitoring for complex network management across on-premises to cloud infrastructure

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Enterprise Network Management

Not all network monitoring tools are suitable for enterprise networks as they lack the scalability necessary to meet the requirements of such networks. Sophisticated and reliable network monitoring tools are essential for effectively managing enterprise networks.

Challenges faced by Enterprise

Service assurance and prioritizing business-critical traffic

Identifying brown spots in network & fault detection

Enhancing control over hybrid WAN and multi-cloud operations

Managing diverse network domains and services

A Unified Enterprise Network Monitoring Solution

Percipient NMS is a comprehensive enterprise network monitoring software that actively monitors the real-time health, availability, and performance of your network. By employing a combination of proactive and reactive monitoring techniques, it enables you to optimize network performance and maintain a reliable, error-free network.

Real-time Performance Monitoring and Alerts for immediate issue identification and resolution.

AI Analytics for identifying brown spots in network.

Centralized Network Management Platform for seamless control of hybrid WAN & multi-cloud environments.

Automated Device Discovery for accurate visualization of the network topology and relationships between different services.

Our Success Story

Read how Echelon Edge’s Percipient NMS helped the Goa Mopa Airport in monitoring & managing the Complete Data Center and NTP systems to improve comprehensive network visibility and efficiency while providing better experience for its passengers.

Read the Full Case Study

Network Monitoring Platform with AI/ML Capabilities & Intelligent Automation

Optimize Comprehensive Visibility & Scalable Observability with end-to-end & AI/ML-powered solution

Better Agility & time-to-market

Add new customers by limiting the manual work needed to get the solution implemented while vastly increasing time-to-value for the end customer

Simple & Agentless

Percipient NMS is ready to go solution to monitor complete Network and IT Infrastructure without any need to install agents on the monitored devices

Vendor Agnostic

Monitor any IP device, DB, Sensors or add new features as custom plugins to the core NMS application

Scheduler, Dynamic Reporting

Elegant & Intuitive UI for Scheduling Jobs and creating Custom Reports, Advanced Rerun flexibility

Explore More Features of Network Management System

Efficient Network Capacity planning

Allows to assess the current resource usage, establish documented limits for resource capacity, and anticipates future changes in demand. This, in turn, enables you to utilize actionable insights derived from real-time and historical data for dynamic capacity planning. This further facilitates efficient planning for new services or next-gen network deployments.

Streamlined Network Troubleshooting

Simplifies the troubleshooting process with intuitive workflows and predictive analysis. Identifies performance issues, tracks utilization trends accurately, and reduces MTTR. Get efficient and productive troubleshooting with user-friendly drill-down reporting for improved network performance.

ITSM Integration

Users can easily request services or report issues while having access to real-time network information. A centralized control point allows for the filtering of duplicate requests and the prioritization of conflicting ones. Additionally, service resolution times can be tracked, analyzed, and improved over time. This seamless integration ensures efficient network management and enhances the overall service experience.

AIOps (AI for Smarter IT Operations)

AIOps utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze complex data sets, identifying patterns and anomalies. It automates IT operations processes, including event correlation and anomaly detection, using big data and machine learning. With AIOps, you can quickly address network performance and security issues through AI/ML-powered automated measures and incident remediation.

Empowering Networks with Actionable Insights

Transform raw network performance data into actionable insights for modern networks. With an advanced collection, analytics, and integration capabilities, gain real-time insights that enable effective decision-making.

Integrated Solution

Gain comprehensive network visibility, proactive issue resolution, data-driven decision-making capabilities, and optimized service delivery that enables efficient & reliable network operations.

Certified by Cert-In Top 10

Registered on the GEM Portal

Trusted by Various Clients & Customers

Frequently Asked Questions

Ineffective Operations, Resource Productivity Issues, Reactive Issue Response, Time taken to Analyze the Issues, Time taken to Respond, Identifying Bottlenecks in Performance and Quality of Service.

Percipient NMS is a unified enterprise management platform for network, systems & complete infrastructure monitoring that provides quick problem identification. It supports heterogeneous devices which means you can monitor any IP device on your network. It provides a single pane of glass view for end-to-end visibility, availability & performance to achieve a business service level.

To begin your journey with Echelon Edge’s Percipient NMS, explore our “Network Insights” Solution Page. This will help you to understand the key aspects of your network, systems, and infrastructure monitoring requirements, and then feel free to reach out to us through the “Contact Us” Section to ask important business questions you would like to get answered.

Our Intuitive GUI provides full control of end-to-end IT infrastructure with complete visibility, in context & drill-down views. With out-of-the-box monitoring, automated discovery, and real-time updates, the solution enables focused insights into your heterogeneous network for efficient operations.

Yes, Percipient NMS enhances proactive monitoring capabilities by enabling swift issue detection and resolution through our ML-powered Alert Processing and segregation. It automatically categorizes and prioritizes alerts based on their characteristics to enable precise issue identifications and proactive problem resolution. With Percipient NMS's industry-leading fuzzy logic-based alert search, your troubleshooting efforts are empowered. This saves valuable time and simplifies the process of root cause analysis, contributing to improved proactive monitoring.

The different licensing models available include a simplified device-based licensing model that caters to both Perpetual and Subscription-based requirements. In addition, there is a SaaS-based licensing option that offers convenience, agility, and flexibility for organizations to choose the right fit model.

To evaluate Percipient Network insights, please feel free to contact our team by sending an email to [email protected] or visiting the “Contact Us” Page. They will assist you in requesting a demo or Proof of Concept (PoC). To access more information about Percipient NMS, you can visit “Network Insights”.

Percipient NMS achieves network automation with its centralized automation at scale capabilities. Serving as a centralized platform for executing Ansible playbooks, it provides ultimate control over network automation processes. Instead of relying on scattered automation scripts, Percipient NMS brings efficiency through centralized management. It maximizes productivity and maintains impeccable configuration consistency with its advanced scheduling and orchestration capabilities.

Right size - Right fit, Time to Market, Deployment Flexibility, Future-Proof, High value for the cost

Percipient NMS meets the demand through its microservices-based & distributed architecture. This architecture provides greater flexibility in scaling as the infrastructure grows to meet increased demand. With Percipient NMS, you can quickly add new services like Poller to enhance device monitoring.

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